Thanks for your order. It’s on-hold until we confirm that payment has been received.
Once we confirm your payment has been received, we will send you the agreement via DocuSign. Note that this is the same agreement you reviewed and acknowledged on our website when you completed the intake form.
As soon as we receive the signed agreement, we will need up to 48 hours to delivery your package. CONSULT WITH A LICENSED ATTORNEY IN YOUR AREA IF ANY ISSUE IN YOUR CASE BECOMES CONTESTED. OUR PACKAGES ARE FOR UNCONTESTED CASES ONLY.
If you have purchased one of our premium packages, a representative of the Life Coach will contact you to schedule your first call (discovery meeting). Be prepared to complete their intake form and agreement. You will not need to pay any fees for the Life Coach Services included in the package you purchased.
Your Life Coach will not give you legal advice, but instead they will coach you on how to navigate the obstacles in the legal process and coach you on how to manage the stressful impact of the legal process. They guide you in creating an action plan, and help you think clearly and logically.
Note that our forms are Do It Yourself forms and maybe obtained from your local court house or online. You must contact us within 5 hours of receiving this letter for any refunds. There will be no refunds after the 5 hours.
If you have any questions, please let us know. We look forward to delivering your package.
Warm regards,
Stacy Obiuku
Client Service Director
Pro Se Processing, LLC